Three Key Challenges
- Cloud-based acceleration of quantum simulation
Exploit heterogeneous cloud for simulating quantum circuits on classical computers
- Optimisation of heterogeneous quantum simulation
Optimise heterogeneous cloud resources to get best trade-offs for quantum simulation
- Demonstration of the potential of the proposed approach
For developing robust and reliable quantum computing systems
Research Idea
Provide performance modelling and optimisation methods to find the most effective combination of cloud resources and numerical methods for quantum simulation
Use this approach to design novel open-source tools for simulating quantum circuits based on heterogeneous cloud platforms to leverage advances of cloud accelerator resources
Start with two academic tools…
- SLATE: heterogeneous scheduling to tailor resource selection to service requests, taking into account domain features, performance, cost concerns [Luk, Kelly]
- QUEST: an open-source tool for simulating quantum circuits based on the state vector approach [Benjamin]
… and add increasingly sophisticated optimisations and quantum circuits
The Team

Simon Benjamin

Paul Kelly