Three Key Challenges
- 1
Hybrid classical-quantum computation for High Energy Physics on NISQ devices: Quantum assisted Monte-Carlo, hybrid machine learning
- 2
Benchmarking NISQ devices with problem specific quantum algorithms and protocols for high-energy physics
- 3
To optimise Quantum Error Mitigation and specific purpose Quantum Error Correction techniques for tackling noise in high energy quantum simulations
Research Idea
To develop transformative applications of Quantum Computation (hardware and
software) by testing and optimizing quantum algorithms for Quantum Field Theories
Application of relevant quantum algorithms to high energy physics on NISQ devices,
and on early fault-tolerant devices
- Compute lattice QCD canonical observables by Metropolis-Hastings algorithms on NISQ devices to compare with classical results
- Develop classification algorithms to discriminate signal from background, and quantum autoencoder for anomaly detection on NISQ devices
- Benchmark NISQ devices by computations in high energy physics; and study graphical optimization techniques for these quantum algorithms
- Identify the optimal inherent symmetries in symmetry verification, the optimal
number of copies in purification- based methods, or the optimal shape of extrapolation curves for our application for Quantum Error Mitigation
The Team

Bipasha Chakraborty

Balint Koczor

Sarah Malik